Monday, June 16, 2014


I am going to say a wonderful sentence.
"I am proud (and relieved) to be totally proud of my grand kids' fathers."
They are engaged, nurturing, teaching, laughing, stalwart under duress dads.
And my husband is a loving dad including to two kids that are not his blood.
(Doesn't that sound dramatic?)

And I like any excuse for a celebration.
My mom was a card sending machine.
I think she once sent a new car card!!

So feeling proud of all the Fathers in my life, I looked up how Father's Day got started. First of all it was in reaction to Mother's Day. But it has a sincere beginning by a woman, Sonora Smart Dodd,  whose mom died birthing her and so her father raised six kids on his own. She wanted to create a Father's Day on his birthday June 5th but it got pushed to the third Sunday by busy legislature guys in Spokane Washington.  Anyway, she worked away at it and it came into being primarily  through persuasion on retailers. Yes, it is a commercial holiday at its inception. And it irks me. (For the record, Father's Day sales are much less than for mothers. Need some work there--on the dads or on the ads)

And still, I can't not buy a gift. I used to go deep into meaning for this gift.  This year- a toss away. not sentimental, not even liked, a token. And neither my husband or I  cared. We will do a picnic with one of our families and maybe we wouldn't without the spur of a formal "day".  But, I balk at obligatory celebrations and so do some of my kids as I wait for a Mother's Day card and they give me the same schpiel I'm giving you.

So honor the dads if you need the reminder. It's nice. 
I jump over my natural rebellion about the commercial/obligatory celebrations.
It is too curmudgeonly. 

But give me birthdays. Pure, easy, natural, joy filled celebrations.  

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