Sunday, November 24, 2013


Tradition is "the passing of customs from generation to generation."
It's more than just quirks or personal tastes of holiday celebrations.
Tradition has to bridge generations.  It has to connect loved ones beyond time and geography.

I used to stand on the receiving end of holiday traditions.
I learned my mom's way of hanging tinsel on a Christmas tree--strand by strand.  Meticulous.  I learned our family tradition was to have multi-colored lights for the tree even when white lights became the trend. I knew which Thanksgiving recipes that came from my Grandmother.  The very sound of the Macy parade reminds me of the luxury of only waiting for dinner to be served while I reveled in the first TV in our house with black and white Santa coming to town. 

And now I am on the giving end of traditions, the old ones and new things I have added.  I know that my adult children will know exactly what we are having to eat at our house and will remember and even cook some of the same dishes no matter how far away they may be geographically.  Or when I am not here at all.

Thanksgiving traditions will comfort me this year when I have had so many family members die. My brother Ronnie, my sister-in-law Romie, My cousins Barney, Sally, and Greta.  And it will hurt like hell too. The generations of my family are shifting.

So the power and the pain of traditions will be with me this Thanksgiving.

I will make my mom's Cranberry ice.  It's been served at at least 75 years continuously for Thanksgiving. 
My daughter Megan will make Aunt Romies' creamed onions.  (Romie is my sister-in-law that died this year)
My daughter-in-law Augusta will make Aunt Romie's rolls.
I will make my brother's favorite candied sweet potatoes.
I will make mashed potatoes with only the very whitest potatoes.  My mom's rule.
I'll use canned pumpkin pie filling--have to.  It alone gives the right sense memory to me.

Of course we improvise.  We'll add kale salad.  We'll have many new side dishes.  But the "traditional" customs in the form of food  that pass through generations" have to be made.  

I was once interviewed as a woman executive and was asked all kinds of questions about my expertise and contributions.  It was a solid interview, not a puff piece.  The last question was, "What will you be remembered for as people look back at your life?"  I answered with, "my cranberry ice recipe"  I explained its importance feeling kind of silly.  The newspaper printed the recipe and made it central on the page.  Still makes me happy.

Monday, November 18, 2013


I've been mulling it over this week.
I don't have an answer.
Feel free to give me yours.

It started when one of my daughters sent me a video to watch. (See GOODIE BAG)
It tells the story of a woman herbalist and occasional gypsy dweller.
Don't yawn yet.
My daughter has a lot of healer in her (and gypsy too) so I was glad to watch the video.  And, I love when my kids send me info on their enthusiasms.

The compelling part of the video is seeing a person be so utterly fully
completely who she is----over a whole life time.  I found it soothing.  It made me hopeful.  It made me braver to be truer myself.
For some of us, this is the work of a lifetime. This dear lady, Juliette, was who she was from start to finish.

It's not that being genuine is admirable necessarily.  I've had a spell of buffoonish mistakes in word and deed.  I'm chagrined but people have responded by telling me how much they enjoy how "real" I am!! 

Go figure.  So what's the chemistry of being genuine that  rubs off on other people whether the genuine is goony or grand?  What is it that responds in us?  
Can you strive to be authentic or would that ruin the effort?  There is relief in being around real deal people.  It gives something substantial and stable to connect to.  And there is a kind of celebration of the unique involved.

Anyway, this is one quirky lady and it led me to think about the daily step by step courage it takes to be true to yourself and your gift.  And the power in it for others.

----GOODIE BAG----

Saturday, November 9, 2013


I hate to step on an old saying, but sometimes will doesn't work.
Sometimes there isn't enough power behind the will.
When there is, it's quite wonderful.
The vision pulls you for forward with some bumping and bruising  but it is all rather grand and exciting.
Grab it and enjoy.

But sometimes, optimism flags.
Big dreams sputter.
Using the will seems to create more resistance than forward movement.

Then it's time to use the way not the will.
Here's how I find my way to more will power.

I stop.
I let things brew until a way comes clear.  I could go into new physics to explain why this works but it does.

Or, I make a small, as in teeney tiny, baby step toward action.
Easy action.
My examples?
I've scheduled a meeting with a designer to add to my blog site.
I've looked up names for a virtual assistant.
I signed up for a writers' conference in San Miguel.
I've scheduled a bi-weekly meeting to co-consult with a friend.

I don't have the ooomph to go further right now.
But these actions with get the ball into play for me.
And will give me energy and optimism for more
Which will build my will until it catches fire again.

Don't wear yourself out straining your will power.
Feed it a little with small bites.
Doing something different takes staying power, sometimes bursts of energy
sometimes dry spells.  

Use a little "way" power.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


I was heartened by the World Series.  
First of all both the Red Sox and the Cardinals were decent people with good Managers. 
Not to be taken for granted. Respectful competitors.  

BUT mostly  I love that 'team" is what did it for the Red Sox
Clearly defined common goal.
Unifying commitment made visible with the symbolic beards
No super stars
When one team member fell back, another emerged
Unswerving determination
Ability to toss off momentary defeat
The whole being  larger than the sum of the parts.
Heart felt bond between players
Synergy in the best sense of the word.

A steady path to a gloriously satisfying moment of victory.

But the team won't last
The draw of the dollar with pull it apart.
Would they choose to do it again together?  Could they?
How much was method and how much was magic?
Would they want to test the premise of team?
I would love to see it.

Why?  Because I believe in the method.  The method is the magic!!