Sunday, July 14, 2013


I have fallen back in love with Joseph Campbell.
He became trivialized with his phrase--"Follow your bliss."-- which is the exact right thing to do with a life.
But it was misinterpreted to mean, Follow your bliss--SO THAT YOU WILL BE HAPPY.

No no no no no no no no!!!

Follow your bliss:
To live your particular life--your authentic life print
To answer the challenge of the Hero/Heroine
To face what you must face to transform yourself
To take the journey from ego and dependence (on people, on stuff, on status) to  self-responsibility and expression.
To mature spiritually
To go forth and make a difference and to come home to  "self" transformed
To listen to the demands of your heart and your spirit
To make friends with fear and the moment of jumping off alone into "new"

Wonderful Campbell statements:

Find the place in yourself that is quiet.  Let action come from that.
Do not be compelled by desire or fear.

Your answer preexists.  It is the question that is needed.

The adventure you are ready for is the adventure that you get.

So don't let your life be tough.  Make it tough. Get ready for your adventure. Choose to answer the Hero/Heroine's call.  Live big.  Live idealistically.  Live true to your heart and soul. Live scared.  Live your particular challenge Live a story worth telling.  If life is tough, regardless, then make it a grand epic.

I love Joseph Campbell

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