Monday, September 16, 2013


It's been a dumb week for me.
Many ridiculous things going blooey at the same time.
Refrigerator gone.  Rotting food stashed all over the basement
Long awaited  new eyeglasses don't work.
Three pair.  Deemed necessary by doctor. All off.  
Blurry is me.  Reverting to ancient glasses.  Constant headache.
Lost everything--car keys, house phone, passport.
Red spills on white stuff.
You know what I mean.  I hope you know what I mean.

Now for sublime.
I am a God searcher wannabe believer.
I am way well read in theology and all the major religions.
God has become a celebrity by the way.
Love or hate.
Anyway, my husband and I have been reading in Sufism.
I got such relief from the Islam 99 names for God
Each carries an aspect of God.  Different focus good for different human issues.
The are often all named in a chant--just to cover all the bases.
Check it out on You Tube.  99 names of god chanted--ish.

Anyway it freed me up because I think God is just one ruined word.
One ruined stereotype.
In the sky, white beard giving out goodies and punishing too.
It kind of embarrasses me.  For Godness.
This mystery can't be cornered or contained or named.
So the 99 names of God made my week.
There are at least as many in Christianity.
So I want that Cistine Chapel  God image and name out of my searching.
And so the SUBLIME.

And now back to the slime of rotted vegetables.
Life is truly funny.  
But only from a distance.
I could use some.

1 comment:

  1. I love your ability to tell a story, made me laugh this morning.
