Monday, February 3, 2014


I wonder how many of you know Pete Seeger.
Folk singer.  Just died.
Writer and popularizer  of many famous songs :
If I Had a Hammer
Turn, Turn, Turn and so many sixties/seventies folk songs.
And the absolute the best song album for kids ever.  Look it up.

His life personified what many of us blather about.
He was who he was who he was who he was.

He did what he loved to do--sing.
Others might have sung better but not with such joy in doing it.
His truest joy was singing with others.

He included others as naturally as breathing.
He created several singing groups
He never gave a concert that didn't end up with hundreds of people singing along with him.
He galvanized people to clean up the Hudson River.  How?  By singing a song and starting small with something he could do and then kept doing it.  Essentially he built a boat and sailed the Hudson singing.

He kept his innocence in the power and pleasure of singing even when
he was blacklisted and kept off the stage,radio and tv for five years.
He would not testify that he had never sung to a Communist.
His reply was that he would sing to anyone anywhere who wanted to sing along.

He lived in a cabin mostly built by himself.
He was married to the same woman for over 60 years.

He lived simply.
Spoke simply.
He never betrayed himself or others.
He used his gift fully.
He loved with permanence.
His simple actions had big broad world impact.

He would have done them whether they did or not.
His integrity was impeccable.

Pete Seeger did indeed get it right.

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