Monday, January 5, 2015


Not a big deal.  Just a nagging thought that piques my interest--sort of.
Let's call it TEN IN TEN.
I'll explain soon.
First, please remember that I have written about the downside of fresh starts.
They can reek of perfection that kills commitment.
Fresh starts are a procrastinators delight.

Still, I'm wondering about a jump start go getting ready for new.
There's some new book out there about de-cluttering and its beyond spiritual 
benefits.  Hug your shoes as you discard them and embrace open space as you create it. I hope you know that this strikes me funny and maybe true too.

Anyway, here is what I'm beginning to think about starting to trying to commit to do. Maybe.

I wonder what it would be like to throw out, give away, take to the Goodwill store ten things for ten days in a row.  Large or small.  You know my Rule of Ten theory to assuage guilt and induce small productivity. (I think I must be a type A lazy person.)

Anyway, think about it with me. If I commit, I'll post photos on Facebook.
If I remember to try to think about learning how to  do that.

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