Saturday, April 2, 2016


Back a day late!!  Was I fooling?  No just out of it.  My granddaughter and crew arrived yesterday.  I was busy cutting out tiny tacos from legal pad paper to serve on the world's smallest tea set.  

My so called Sabbatical didn't do much for me other than reassure me that this is what I want to be doing. I wrote to you in my head anyway.  Hope you enjoyed my telepathic messages.

Frankly my break was a little too social for me at this stage in my life. And I didn't go away so it was not the kind of refreshing you get from a vacation to, say,Tahiti. Solitude maybe would have done the trick. 

So what was did happen?

-- I concentrated more on the people I was with and didn't worry about writing deadlines. (Or told myself to wait to worry)  

--I learned that I don't like a break from writing

--I found out that you can do jig-saw puzzles on the iPad!! (Maybe doing just one more would be OK before I finish talking with you)

--I found out that I was fatigued for a reason.  I had typhoid and was finally diagnosed properly in Mexico.  I think my US doctor (who is younger than my kids) thought I was a whiner. I kept saying "I feel weird like I have some tropical disease" or something.  SO I ONCE AGAIN LEARNED TO TRUST MY INTUITION

--I didn't read more than I normally do.  I didn't do much different for my health. I didn't use the time to "improve".  

--Other than the too many people, here's what I did. I lay fallow. Passive.  Following my own nose. Lazy. Caught my breath. Let myself be listless--as in without lists.

Maybe I did kind of like my Sabbatical, now that I write about it---which is why I write---to you.

I share my granddaughters question and answer.  She is three.  She asked if I'd be dead someday.  (We had just killed a thousand legger--no Bhuddist I guess)  I said, "Yes, I would, not believing it for a minute while knowing it to be true." I waited for her to ask the heaven question and wondered what pap I would dig into to respond. Didn't have to.  She said, "When you die you go to Christmas!  There then.  Mystery solved.


1 comment:

  1. Missed you, enjoyed your book while you were gone. Glad to hear you got your typhoid figured out, egads!
