Sunday, January 29, 2017

I'M IN A RANDOM KIND OF MOOD -la da da dada

May just be too much coffee, but join me as I ramble.
I think the my title came from the song I WANT A SUNDAY KIND OF LOVE.
Who knows what lurks in our memory tunes file?

—My daughter The Megan Jo Wilson did a CD release party last night. She was stunningly direct with her audience loving and coaching them while having fun with her music cohorts AND singing with a unique voice her own unique words of songs she wrote. She dropped f bombs while standing for love and purpose and boldness.
She rang and sang true. My son asked me how it felt to see his sister on stage in such a commanding moment.
"Was I nervous. Was I proud? Was it weird?" I answered, "No, not nervous making or weird. She's a pro at whatever she does." Proud? Of course I was with the kind of relief a parent has when an adult child steps full into who they are."  I later, laughed. After all, she is 44 years old and I am 72. I can step back and enjoy. Although I did provide red licorice for all the tables AND advised Preparation H for under her eyes when an allergy of some kind threatened to give her a balloon face!!  BUY HER CD--TIN. Digital or hold it in your hands. Five great songs.

—I'm obsessed with watching The Magnificent Century which is about Sulieman The Great, leader of the Ottoman Empire.  It was produced in Turkey. I watch in Turkish with English Subtitles although you can watch it in English. I like the sound of the Turkish and am picking up some words. (I should. There are 48 episodes)
It's a combination of Downton Abbey in Constantinople and Bollywood and a Mexican Soap Opera.
Palace intrigue galore. Based on historical events. I love a new obsession and will retreat from this writing to reading a new book on The Ottoman Empire. I am so undereducated in history. 

Tomorrow I will go to Susan Collins office (a Maine Senator) to deliver a petition encouraging her to oppose the 
nomination of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education. It's my husband, David's birthday tomorrow, so I could back out. Three months ago I would have. Not today. BUT guess what I just did. I went online and applied for the position of Secretary of Education. Took me two hours and I laughed as I did it. I would love to go into this Lion's Den with sincere efforts to do good. 

Last bit of random?
I hate the term self-care.  I'm not so great at it, but still I picture us wallowing in steam rooms and massage offices having manicures and pedicures and self helping ourselves while Rome burns. However I have bought the book Pu——y to reclaim myself so I am on trend!! (Who am I kidding? I can't even write the word) I guess I think self-care is what you do in order to be nourished enough to do good work but but but not so much that it becomes the work.